SARRC - Yes DayA promotional video I shot and edited for the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center.
Living Healthy and Active - HydrationSamples of a series of videos I edited for a client, showcasing the health benefits of drinking water, in both English and Spanish.
FabCom - Testimonial and CommencementSeveral videos I worked on during my time at FabCom, a marketing agency in Scottsdale, Arizona. I colored the "Higher Stand of Care" testimonial video and edited the "2020 Commencement Ceremony" video.
AZRC - Grant WinnersA selection of interviews with the winners of the Arizona Recycling Coalition 2018 Grant.
To The MoonA music video shot and edited for local Phoenix artist Aaron Todd.
Avocado BrowniesA short cooking tutorial I produced and shot while working for Arizona State University's Sun Devil Fitness Complex.
Spring CleaningA short video I shot and edited for the ASU SDFC Instagram page promoting spring cleaning.
Dinner 2040A short documentary about a food sustainability event in Phoenix that I edited and shot interview pickups for as videographer for the Sustainability Review, an online publication run by students in the ASU School of Sustainability.